All the great flavor of a habanero but without the heat. Impossible, you say? Well, feast your eyes (and taste buds) on the Habanada!
Developed by vegetable breeder Michael Mazourek, this heatless habanero chili pepper grows on 2-3 ft. tall compact, productive plants. You’ll see these pods grow around 2-3″ long and ripen from green to orange and have crisp, thin skin.
It’s extremely versatile and is excellent seared, braised, roasted, raw – you name it. Fun Fact: The Habanada absolutely stole the show at the 2014 Culinary Breeding Network Variety Showcase when it was used to make a sherbet. You and your friends can enjoy all the fruity (and even floral) notes of the habanero, but don’t have to set your mouth on fire to do it. Seriously, just add these to your cart. You won’t regret it!
Try our other Habanero Seeds and Scotch Bonnet Seed varieties! Enjoy habanero flavors in the meantime with our savory and spicy Habanero Snacks & Spices.