Corbaci Peppers are a rare heirloom coming out of Turkey that has a rich flavor and is known to be one of the most prolific peppers on the planet! Seriously, we recommend you take good care of these pepper plants once they start bearing fruit.
These stubby Corbaci pepper plants are early producers of fruits that are super long and slender, reaching lengths up to 12” long. These peppers do ripen from a yellow-green to a bright red; however, they are edible at any stage of the maturity process. Pod shapes may differ as some will grow straight and others may start to curve or spiral. One thing is certain: this plant grows a LOT of peppers, so be prepared for a large harvest. If you don’t use them all, store them away – they work great for pickling!
Corbaci peppers are rich in sweet and fruity flavors that make them fantastic for eating fresh, cooking into food, or roasted. These peppers also contain a slight heat and have thick walls that make them perfect for drying into powder and using them to add some heat to any food dish.
Check out more of our Heirloom Pepper Seeds! We also have a wide variety of Rare & Exotic Pepper Seeds for you to enjoy!