Created by Judy from PepperLover, the Devil’s Brain Chili Pepper is a super hot hybrid that looks like most chilis but has incredible heat and flavor that burns like the devil!
These pepper plants are highly productive, reaching 3 ft. tall and producing peppers that grow as long as 3-4″ and ripen to a bright red color. The pods resemble a Bhut – conical shape, wrinkly skin, and tapers off to a point. Devil’s Brain pepper plants are highly productive and it’s a great all-around superhot to have around.
The super hot peppers pack a heavy punch with 1,000,000-1,200,000 SHUs, so be careful when harvesting and using these peppers. It has a tasty fruity flavor that makes for a delicious hot chili powder. If you like the insane heat, infuse it into homemade hot sauce or salsa!
Shop more of our Super Hot Pepper Seeds and Super Hot Pepper Plants today!