The Gold Ghost Pepper is a new member of the Ghost Pepper family. Ghost peppers are one of the hottest peppers in the world, rising to fame and popularity several years back.
Gold Ghost pepper plants grow to about 4 ft. tall and produce 3″ peppers with wrinkly skin and a pointy shape. They have a very unique gold color that you don’t see often in peppers. Once you bite into one of these peppers, you will experience a fruity flavor with intense heat. With a Scoville Heat Level of about 855,00 to 1,042,427, a little goes a long way! You can use Gold ghost peppers for just about anything but it’s especially great in hot sauces. Give them a try today!
Try other Ghost Pepper Varieties and enjoy the same stinging heat! Explore our other Super Hot Pepper Seeds that you can grow in your own garden.