The Italian Pepperoncini is a popular Italian heirloom pepper that has many different uses and can be enjoyed in many ways.
These compact pepper plants will razzle and dazzle in your garden, growing up to 2 ft. tall and producing plenty of these 3-6″ long peppers. The plants are extremely bushy and give good sun protection to the pods. Not only that, they will perform well in cooler climates. Italian Pepperoncini peppers have that signature smooth, shiny texture and pendant shape that tapers off to a point, just like the Pepperoncini Greek Golden Pepper. These pods ripen from green to red when they are ready to be picked.
The heirloom pepper has a slight heat with a sweeter flavor that you’ll fall in love with. If you are a pickled pepper person, this Italian pepper is the one for you! The Italian Pepperoncini goes great on anything and is great to eat raw and cooked too.
Browse through our other Sweet Pepper Seeds and Mild Pepper Seed varieties! We also have some amazing Heirloom Pepper Seeds for your choosing.