Once a previous world record holder as the hottest pepper in the world, the Moruga Trinidad Scorpion chili was developed at the New Mexico State University Chili Pepper Institute and is incredibly hot! This pepper held the prestigious honor in 2012, but was quickly stripped of its title by the Carolina Reaper. Nevertheless, the Moruga Trinidad Scorpion hasn’t faltered in terms of heat and flavor! While being tested, a senior research specialist went through four pairs of latex gloves when handling it, saying “the capsaicin kept penetrating the latex and getting on our hands…this has never happened before.”
- Moruga Trinidad Scorpion pepper plants grow to 3 ft. tall.
- The plants produce produce many 2″ long chiles shaped like little bulbs with shiny skin and a bumpy texture.
- The pods ripen from green to deep red when they reach maturity and peak heat.
Culinary Uses:
Moruga Trinidad Scorpion chilis have a fruity/cotton candy-type aroma with some having a hint of cinnamon. Check out our Recipes for inspiration!
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