You ever heard of the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, whoever made that phrase up must have had the Red Rocoto Pepper in mind! Native to Peru and Bolivia, this pepper lives up to its “apple chile” translation with a vibrant red color, similar shape, and juicy citrus flavor!
Similar to the Red Manzano in looks, the Rocoto pepper plant grows up to 4 ft. tall, blooms vibrant blue flowers with hairy leaves, and produces pepper pods that are shaped like small 2″ bright red apples. Red Rocoto peppers have thick, sturdy pod flesh, feature unique black seeds and pack a significantly hotter punch than it’s cousin, the Manzano. Watch these peppers ripen from green to red when they’re ready to harvest. You’ll want to grow these pepper plants in cooler climates or in partial shade in your own backyard. Keep these plants away from frost, and you can count on a steady harvest year after year.
The Rocoto come with a decent amount of heat, ranging from 30,000-100,000 SHUs. Depending on how hot you like your food, you can chop these peppers up and add them to fresh foods like salads and dressings, or you can roast them, cook them, and even dry them for a spicy addition to any meal.
Add our Hot Pepper Seeds to your next growing list! We carry a wide selection of other seed options in our Pepper Seed Collection.