Developed at Rutgers in the 1920s and still famous for its remarkable flavor and large yields of solid, meaty, deep-red fruits, perfect for canning. This latest strain adds better disease resistance for even better yields, but keeps the old-fashioned flavor and quality.
- Days to Maturity: 75
- Sow Method: Start Indoors
- Sow Depth: ¼ Inch
- Spacing: 24 – 36 Inches
- Sun: Full Sun
- Height: 3 – 5 Feet
- Fruit Weight: 6 – 8 Ounces
- Resistant to:
- Alternaria Stem Canker
- Fusarium Wilt (Race 1)
- Stemphylium Gr. Leaf Spot
- Verticillium Wilt
- Indeterminate