Note: this product is available for shipping to contiguous US addresses only.
For those who like high-quality Wisconsin cheddar and good solid throat heat, this block of spicy Scorpion cheddar cheese was made for you.
The world-famous Wisconsin cheese gives your taste buds a cool creamy coating before the piercing Scorpion chile pepper heat breaks through and lingers in your throat after every bite.
Enjoy this super spicy cheese on a cracker or sandwich, in a cheese-filled recipe, or on a platter alongside one of our spicy summer sausages. This seriously hot Scorpion Cheddar Cheese is sure to give your taste buds a kick and have you (and anyone you share it with) coming back for more.
This product comes in blocks of various sizes (8-9 ounces). We take care to protect the integrity of your cheese in transit. Our vacuum sealed, hard cheeses are safe outside of refrigeration in transit. If temperatures are above 60 degrees in your location, we ship in insulated boxes with ice packs to protect your shipment.
Check out our spicy gift baskets for great gift ideas.
Heat Level: Very Hot
Size: 8-9 ounces
Other Flavors: Be sure to check out our other spicy pepper cheeses including Carolina Reaper Cheddar, Ghost Pepper Jack Cheese, and Ghost Cheese Curds.
Looking to grow your own Scorpion peppers? Check out our Trinidad Scorpion seeds, Kraken Scorpion seeds, I Scream Scorpion seeds, Apocalypse Scorpion seeds, Caramel Trinidad Scorpion seeds, Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate seeds, Orange Long-Tailed seeds, Jay’s Ghost Peach Scorpion seeds, Black Scorpion Tongue seeds, Moruga Trinidad Scorpion seeds, Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Cappucino seeds, Butch “T” Scorpion seeds, Butch T Reaper Scorpion seeds, Yellow Butch “T” Reaper Scorpion seeds.
Don’t forget about our Scorpion Pepper Hot Sauce!