Looking for some hearty peppers to grow in your garden? Look no further than the Sri Racha Pepper! A meaty, thick-walled variety that grows fast, these peppers are the perfect kind to add to any food – especially in a pinch!
Sri Racha pepper plants are fairly short and grow up to 2 ft. tall but produce good yields of 5” long shiny pods with smooth textured skin and very thick walls. These peppers are also easy to grow and mature earlier than other pepper plants, ripening from dark green to a deep red color.
The Sri Racha pepper is used to make its renowned condiment, but you can also use it for cooking and roasting. When these peppers are not being used, they work great for pickling and can be stored away for a long period. Give this pepper a go for your next growing season!
Check out some of our Spicy Snacks & Condiments!
Looking to grow peppers with just the right amount of heat? View our Medium Hot Pepper Seeds!