Did Jamaica put the Scotch Bonnet on the map…or vice versa? Either way, this wildly popular pepper is in high demand! It adds that spicy Caribbean kick to just about any meal and looks absolutely beautiful in both color and shape.
The Yellow Scotch Bonnet pepper plant grows anywhere from 2-4 ft. tall and produces heavy yields of bonnet-shaped pods. These plants are an excellent choice for container planting, as well! Yellow Scotch Bonnets are close relatives of the Habanero pepper, with these 2″ pods resembling similarities in shape and texture.
This is a nice pepper to add to the other peppers for a unique, hot pepper powder and flakes. You’ll never get over the flavors as they are smoky, fruity, and fiery hot! Get your hands on the Yellow Scotch Bonnet pepper seeds!
Want different pepper seeds? We carry a great selection of Scotch Bonnet Peppers and other popular Hot Pepper Seeds for you to choose from!